
Hard / soft beds

At Oskarshamns folkhögskola we offer soft and hard beds. Here you live centrally and within walking distance (1.2 km) to O-Ringentorget. The area is quiet and pleasant with large green areas.

Room categories:

  • 10 single rooms with soft beds with own shower and toilet.
  • 2 single rooms with soft bed with common hall but 2 showers and 2 toilets.
  • 2 single rooms with soft bed with shared hall, shower and toilet.
  • 30 places in hard beds divided into different classrooms in the house Nygård.
  • 42 seats in hard beds divided into different classrooms at Ceciliagården.

Arrival 19, 20 or 21 July and departure 27 or 28 July. Minimum 7 nights, maximum 9 nights.

Included in the single rooms:

  • Breakfast included.
  • Bed linen & towels included.
  • There is access to a common living room and kitchenette.
  • TV in the room, wifi
  • There is a barbecue area in the area.
  • Free parking, also space for larger buses.

Check-in at 14.00 – 20.00
Check-out at 8.00 - 11.00

Included in the classrooms:

  • breakfast included
  • Bring bedding and bedding.
  • Toilets are available adjacent to the accommodation and in the area.
  • Free parking, also space for larger buses.
  • There is a barbecue area in the area.
    ATTENTION! Shower facilities are not available, but will be offered at various locations in town in connection with the competitions.

    Check-in 09:00-21:00
    Check-out no later than 17:00 on 27/7 and no later than 11:00 on 28/7.

It is now FULLY BOOKED, no beds left.

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